Sonia Cunha Goldner
SCG Law and Language
I am a Mobile and Online Notary Public and Legal Translator. I also provide Apostille services for your foreign documents.
Visit my website - - and let me know how I can help you!
Sonia Cunha Goldner
SCG Law and Language
Contact Me
I am a Mobile and Online Notary Public and Legal Translator. I also provide Apostille services for your foreign documents.
Visit my website - - and let me know how I can help you!
Notary Information
Specialized in Notarizing:
Areas of Service
Travel Distance
Notary bonds and errors and omissions insurance policies provided by this insurance agency, American Association of Notaries, Inc., are underwritten by Western Surety Company, Universal Surety of America, or Surety Bonding Company of America, which are subsidiaries of CNA Surety.